Call for your appointment today! Most Insurances Accepted. (631) 774-5241
Call for your appointment today!Most Insurances Accepted.(631) 774-5241

Our Mission

At Prime Performance Chiropractic, our vision is to have individuals of all ages remain active and able to perform at their highest levels. We use evidence-based research to tailor our treatments toward the goals of each patient.


Whether it be to decrease pain, increase range of motion, or to help maximize your potential, Prime Performance Chiropractic can help make these goals attainable. While we perform traditional chiropractic adjustments, we also understand the importance of incorporating soft tissue treatments, rehabilitative exercise, and patient education into our treatments depending on the needs of each individual patient.


Who can we help?

We help patients with the following conditions:


Neck Pain

Back Pain


Pregnancy Pain



Herniated Discs





Shoulder Pain

Rotator Cuff Injury

Whiplash Injuries

Sports Injuries






Best Of Long IslandPrime Performance Chiropractic was nominated for 2023 Best Chiropractor of Long Island.

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Prime Performance Chiropractic 352 Rosevale Ave Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 774-5241